Timothée Donangmaye, VOA French to Africa Service

Timothée Donangmaye

“It took America about 200 years to get to where it is now, so most African countries are only beginning to grow,” explains Timothée Donangmaye. “Because a lot of these countries only became independent in the ‘60s, their concepts of democracy and civic duty are still in very early stages and need time to evolve. Right now, Africa needs to gradually build the skill and culture necessary to be a country like America. Shows like “Washington Forum” and “L’Amérique et Vous” inform Africans of their role as active citizens of their country, which is one of the first important steps towards development.”

Timothée Donangmaye is one of VOA’s most well-known figures in Africa. Senior Editor in VOA’s French to Africa Service, he edits all of the Service’s audio, video, and online content. He also co-hosts the widely popular TV show Washington Forum and radio program L’Amérique et Vous. Timothée came to VOA as a translator in 1995, then joined the French to Africa staff three years later. Originally from Chad, he remembers growing up with VOA’s programs before studying journalism at the School of Mass Communications in Yaoundé, Cameroon.