VOA Exclusive: Another Burmese Diplomat Defects to US

  • Kyle King

www.voanews.com website

Burmese service spoke with the diplomat, who says he sent a letter to the U.S. State Department announcing decision.

Voice of America has learned in an exclusive interview that Burmese diplomat U Soe Aung has asked for political asylum in the United States. He is the second high-ranking Burmese diplomat in Washington to defect this month.

VOA's Burmese service learned of the defection directly from the diplomat, who said he sent a letter to the U.S. State Department Wednesday morning announcing his decision.

U Soe Aung told VOA that he made the decision after being ordered to return to Burma as part of an investigation into the July 4 defection of the embassy’s Deputy Chief of Mission.

VOA Executive Editor and Acting Director Steve Redisch said the “Burmese Service reporters have been closely following the situation at the embassy and this exclusive is an example of the kind of reporting that our audience has come to expect.”

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Media inquiries in the U.S. can be made to Kyle King in Washington at kking@voanews.com.