“I decided to come to VOA because the Latin America Division challenged me to be more than an intern. They told me that it would be demanding and tough but it would also allow me to learn things that I wouldn’t elsewhere. VOA has given me an edge in where to look for information, how to write a story, and not to be afraid of change. It also made me realize that journalism is what I would like to be doing in the future because it is fast- paced and exciting. My co-workers have been very insightful by helping me with appealing teasers and reliable sources. I come to work excited every day. I am able to write impactful stories that will matter to the people of Latin America. I have learned the ins and outs of the journalism business and have even gotten some website experience, too. I have had the chance to visit events around D.C for my stories such as the D.C auto show, different embassies, and the Supreme Court. My favorite part of being here at VOA is the flexibility that I get as a writer. That gives me confidence to explore my interests. I have done a lot of work on immigration because it is an important issue to Mexican citizens. However, one of my favorite assignments was writing about the TV show The Simpsons. I wrote a piece on how the show was inspired by Springfield, Oregon. Another favorite assignment was when I met President Calderón and reported on him. I really enjoy working here at VOA because it has helped me grow as a journalist and a person.”
Patricia interns in the Latin America Division and is a junior majoring in journalism and international affairs at the Instituto Tecnológico de Monterrey. She comes all the way from Mexico and chose to intern at VOA because of VOA’s reputation. VOA allows her to explore her interests of journalism and international relations.
- Patricia Soto, Latin America Division Intern (Spring 2012)
Patricia interns in the Latin America Division and is a junior majoring in journalism and international affairs at the Instituto Tecnológico de Monterrey. She comes all the way from Mexico and chose to intern at VOA because of VOA’s reputation. VOA allows her to explore her interests of journalism and international relations.