“The most attractive part of VOA is its professional atmosphere. During my internship, I have built confidence by successfully completing TV production assignments in the Africa Division. I post clips of “In Focus” and “Straight Talk Africa” on YouTube on a weekly basis; I operate the teleprompter and answer phone calls from listeners to speak live to the host and guests during the show. Sometimes I go out and shoot events and interviews with the camera crews. I really love and enjoy what I am doing in the VOA Africa Division. I feel lucky and immensely grateful that I get a chance to work with specialists in the news field. This internship offers me a fantastic opportunity to network with different news agencies and people. If I were to describe this internship in a short sentence, it would be working hard and breathing easy.”
Brandon graduated with a Bachelors of Science degree in broadcasting journalism as an undergraduate. Now he is pursuing a Master’s of Arts degree in Organizational Communications at Bowie State University. He hopes to find a job in the field of Communications.
- Brandon George, Africa Division Intern (Fall 2011)
Brandon graduated with a Bachelors of Science degree in broadcasting journalism as an undergraduate. Now he is pursuing a Master’s of Arts degree in Organizational Communications at Bowie State University. He hopes to find a job in the field of Communications.