VOA Director Amanda Bennett, visited Brazzaville, Republic of Congo to open its newest FM radio station, marking BBG's 100th FM station – and the 32nd on the African continent. Additionally, Director Bennett traveled to the Democratic Republic of Congo and Nigeria to meet with many other inspiring individuals.
VOA Director Amanda Bennett heads to Africa for a three-country tour of the Republic of Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo and Nigeria

VOA Director Bennett speaks at the opening ceremonies for one of two FM radio stations in the Republic of Congo. Director Bennett said the new station is part of VOA’s commitment to “being a model of a free press and supporting freedom of speech.”

VOA Director Bennett, VOA Broadcaster Roger Muntu and Africa Division Director Negussie Mengesha at the opening ceremonies.

This marks BBG’s 100th FM station – and the 32nd on the African continent. Among its offerings, the station will broadcast a breakfast and evening news magazine show “The World Today” (Le Monde Aujourd’hui). Also on tap, five minute news briefs every hour, a weekly current affairs radio-TV simulcast “Washington Forum” and special weekly programs like “Your Health, Your Future,” “A Woman’s World,” “Sporama” and “Religious Dialogue.”

VOA Director Amanda Bennett, U.S. Ambassador Todd P. Haskell (behind Director Bennett), Republic of Congo Minister of Communications Thierry Moungalla (standing right), and André Ondélé, head of the Congolese National TV at the signing of new television agreements.