On Tuesday, 19 March, join us on T2A for a webchat on what Muslims really think. A new study, and one of the largest, on Muslim populations worldwide indicates that little is truly known about what majorities of this community really think and feel. At 1800 UTC (2:00 p.m. EDT), we chat with Dr. John Esposito, co-author of the study, about the values, goals, and religious beliefs of 90 percent of the world's Muslims.
Then on Wednesday, 20 March, join us at 1900 UTC (3:00 p.m. EST) when we meet prominent international economist Jeffrey Sachs. Mr. Sachs joins us on T2A to discuss new ways to avert a global economic crisis.
Dr. Sachs is Director of The Earth Institute at Columbia University. He is also Special Advisor to United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon. Dr. Sachs looks at economic data, demographic trends and climate science to create new ways to sustain the global economy in a new book "Common Wealth: Economics For A Crowded Planet".
E-mail us early at chat@voanews.com, join the chat live, or both – whatever works best for your schedule. We look forward to hearing from you. You can check our Talk2America page for information on upcoming shows, photos, and links, as well as transcripts and links from previous chats.