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VOA Broadcasting to Central Africa

The Great Lakes region of Africa is one of the two places in the world where genocide took place in the mid ‘90s. Since then, the region has been torn by years of ethnic and political strife. VOA Kirundi/Kinyarwanda is a balancing medium that sets standards of impartial and comprehensive reporting, addresses misinformation and disinformation, engages in solutions journalism, promotes democratic values, and fosters civil dialogue and reconciliation between political stakeholders. Through the Kirundi/Kinyarwanda language service, the people of the United States speak directly to the citizens of the African Great Lakes region.

Quick Facts

Established: July 1996

Target area: Rwanda, Burundi, Eastern Democratic
Republic of Congo, Southern Uganda, Northwest Tanzania

Weekly Audience: Rwanda 57%, Burundi 46%

Radio Programming: 16 hours per week



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Programs and Features

Murisanga (Call-in Program) - One-hour daily program engages audiences on issues of peaceful cohabitation and political tolerance, combating hate speech and dissipating disinformation, especially among the younger audience that heavily relies on social media.

Dusangire Ijambo (Panel Discussion) – Weekly 30- minute program that seeks insights from scholars, government officials and civil society leaders on major issues of the day in the Great Lakes region, Africa and the world.

Iwanyu mu Ntara (Burundi From the Provinces) – In- depth coverage with reports and features from the 18 provinces of Burundi, 4 provinces of Rwanda, and the 4 major refugee camps hosting Burundians in Tanzania, DRC, Rwanda and Uganda. Locally-based stringers visit regular folks in their own communities and report on their daily lives in their own voices.

Amakuru (News) – Three 30-minute segments daily about local, regional and world news, with analysis and perspectives.

Bungabunga Ubuzima (Healthy Living) -- A 15-minute weekly health TV program focused on prevention and practical solutions for Africans, including good health during pregnancy, easy hygiene practices, fitness, and healthy eating habits. The program also informs viewers of the latest health advances, from HIV prevention and treatment, to overcoming food and water-borne diseases, reducing malaria rates or treating cancer.

Ejo (Tomorrow) – A 30-minute weekly youth program from Rwanda that focuses on youth entrepreneurship and promotes a culture of civil discourse, unity and reconciliation among youth in the Great Lakes region.

Americana - Tells American stories from U.S. history, politics, 4cultural and scientific heritage, and presents the American perspective on world issues.

Music – A 30-minute weekly segment with listeners’ music requests that highlights local, regional, and international hits.