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VOA Wins Two Clarion Awards

Clarion Awards
Clarion Awards

The Voice of America won two Clarion awards, a national competition run by the Association for Women in Communications. VOA won in both the television documentary and online media categories.

The documentary, Displaced, which details the experiences and living conditions of 700,000 Rohingya Muslim refugees living in the Kutupalong camp in Bangladesh, won in the television documentary program – national category. A digital special report produced by VOA’s Khmer language service, Cambodia Adrift, covered the run-up to the 2018 elections in that country and won in the online journalism-special news section category.

The winning entries will be recognized at the AWC National Professional Development Conference this fall in St. Charles, Mo.

“I’m thrilled that VOA’s reporting is impressing teams of judges from a variety of prestigious organizations this year,” said VOA Director Amanda Bennett. “The collective power of VOA’s journalism is inspiring and makes all of us extremely proud.”

Started in 1972, the Clarion awards honor excellence in more than 100 categories across all communications disciplines, from advertising and marketing, to books, CDs and brochures, to major news events, newspapers, online media, radio, and television. This year’s competition drew entries from 20 states and three countries, with 69 Clarions and Finalist Certificates awarded.